Leo EisenstEIn
Philadelphia, PA
The room is dimly lit and hot. As The door opens, and you hear a deep voice softly exclaime “rise and shine my friends”, and the lights come up. Everybody stands up, comes to the edge of their mat and waits as the teacher announces the first breathing exercise. Just from the way the teacher looks you can tell this will be something different...
Leo is a big bald tattooed, former bartender and hockey player from Philly, that had lived a lot of life before he found in a himself at a crossroads, make a turn for the worse or make a turn for the better. He chose better. He began his practice in 2002 and hasn’t looked back !
With a regular practice and improved eating habits, Leo lost more than 220 lbs and healed several injuries. He decided to attend the Fall 2005 Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles. Although Leo wanted to improve his practice, he wanted to become a teacher first - not a yoga athlete. Since Leo believes yoga facilitates life, he strives to make everyone's practice in the hot room easer, so life can become a little easier too.